Orthodontists use a form of aligner called Invisalign to help straighten teeth. They have gained a lot of favor lately as a substitute for nearly invisible braces. Unfortunately, if you eat while wearing them, the transparent resin that makes them nearly invisible may get discolored or ruined. Some meals can change how they fit, causing your treatment to last longer.
So, how do you keep your Invisalign aligners crystal clear? Here are some tips from our knowledgeable Meridian dentist:
Remove Your Aligners When Eating or Drinking
The best thing about having Invisalign braces is that they are so clear. You might not even notice them in your mouth. Therefore, remember to remove them before consuming any food or beverages. This is crucial for purposes other than drinking water. Why?
Meals and beverages can discolor and damage your teeth and aligners. Fortunately, Invisalign aligners are simple to take out and put back on. They are customized to fit your teeth and are trimmed to the gum line.
Avoid Hot or Cold Drinks
Invisalign aligners are made from thin plastic, giving them a discreet appearance. However, they are susceptible to heat damage. Even the warmth from a cup of tea can distort the material and extend your treatment time.
It’s important to watch out for more than just hot drinks. Cold beverages like iced tea, frappuccinos, and slushies can also prevent you from meeting your daily wear targets. To avoid this, stick to room-temperature drinks while wearing your aligners.
Remember to Brush and Floss After Eating
Brushing and flossing after every meal is essential for everyone, but it’s even more important for Invisalign users. Food residues create an ideal environment for plaque and bacteria to thrive. Always brush and floss thoroughly after eating to maintain good oral hygiene and ensure effective treatment.
Clean Your Aligners Daily
Before you start your day, clean your aligners with a soft brush, warm water, and toothpaste. Make sure to brush the entire area gently. Focus on any spots prone to food or drink residue. After thoroughly brushing them, rinse with warm water. This regimen can help you maintain the cleanliness and clarity of your braces.
Store Your Invisalign in a Case
To achieve the best results, you must wear clear aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours daily. However, it is important to keep your braces in a case when not in use. This can prevent them from getting lost and keep them free of dirt and bacteria. If you cannot access your Invisalign case, store it in a dry, clean area Braces in Colombia.
See Your Invisalign Dentist Regularly
Lastly, regular visits to your Invisalign dentist are necessary to maintain clear aligners and general oral health. They can determine whether your Invisalign treatment is going as planned and identify possible issues before they become serious.
Final words
Follow these simple guidelines to maintain the course of your Invisalign treatment. Eventually, you will have a new, stunning smile.